
Thursday May 11, 2023
Aida the Swan | Sci-fi Short Audiobook
Thursday May 11, 2023
Thursday May 11, 2023
“If you do not choose your own god, someone else will choose it for you, and you may not like the outcome.”
Written toward the topic: "Misconceptions about Space, Time & The Universe"
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAU_8i17OLY
This is an origin story for Leda, from "The Misfits" series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWl-Jc_I2wPAsngY7MCID9sS_98Y2siT5
If you prefer to read rather than listen or would like to read along, full text of this and all my Sci-Fi Weeklies are available though my Substack: https://perowe.substack.com
Now on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/PERowe4
Support (greatly appreciated): https://www.rowelit.com/support
Sci-Fi Collections: https://www.rowelit.com/collections-sf-shorts
More on this story: https://www.rowelit.com/aida
More on this project: https://www.rowelit.com/sci-fi-weeklies
For the serious writers out there: Mechanics of Fiction Writing Series
About Rowe Writes: https://youtu.be/aDxWwMVkL6M
About this project: I am writing a weekly sci-fi story to the theme of Isaac Arthur’s SFIA videos. It’s a crazy challenging timeframe to create a good short story in, and to do so publicly is even more daunting. I’m just hoping some good stories come out of this, I have fun writing them, and most importantly, the audience enjoys!
Thanks for stopping by!
(Neither this channel nor this video are affiliated with or endorsed by Isaac Arthur or SFIA; the author’s just a big fan)

Thursday May 04, 2023
Telescope | Sci-fi Short Audiobook
Thursday May 04, 2023
Thursday May 04, 2023
“No one can hide the past. At some point, you’re going to have to stop hiding from yours.”
As always, thanks to Isaac Arthur and the SFIA team for another great topic!
Written toward: "Searching for Dyson Spheres": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uf9SZgeVDqI
(with an assist from "Megatelescopes"): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ciECLSCgTKY
More on this project: https://www.rowelit.com/sci-fi-weeklies
If you prefer to read rather than listen or would like to read along, full text of this and all my Sci-Fi Weeklies are available though my Substack: https://perowe.substack.com
More on this story: https://www.rowelit.com/telescope
Now on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/PERowe4
Support (greatly appreciated): https://www.rowelit.com/support
Sci-Fi Collections: https://www.rowelit.com/collections-sf-shorts
For the serious writers out there: Mechanics of Fiction Writing Series https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnRJzfG2BEMJusZSnaAG_Ew
About this project: I am writing a weekly sci-fi story to the theme of Isaac Arthur’s SFIA videos. It’s a crazy challenging timeframe to create a good short story in, and to do so publicly is even more daunting. I’m just hoping some good stories come out of this, I have fun writing them, and most importantly, the audience enjoys!
Thanks for stopping by!
(Neither this channel nor this video are affiliated with or endorsed by Isaac Arthur or SFIA, the author’s just a big fan)

Friday Apr 28, 2023
Proper Company | Sci-fi Short Audiobook
Friday Apr 28, 2023
Friday Apr 28, 2023
This story is episode 5 in "The Misfits" series. If you haven't yet, you can check out the full series here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWl-Jc_I2wPAsngY7MCID9sS_98Y2siT5
If you prefer to read rather than listen or would like to read along, full text of this and all my Sci-Fi Weeklies are available though my Substack: https://perowe.substack.com
Now on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/PERowe4
Support (greatly appreciated): https://www.rowelit.com/support
Sci-Fi Collections: https://www.rowelit.com/collections-sf-shorts
More on this story: https://www.rowelit.com/proper-company
More on this project: https://www.rowelit.com/sci-fi-weeklies
For the serious writers out there: Mechanics of Fiction Writing Series
About Rowe Writes: https://youtu.be/aDxWwMVkL6M
About this project: I am writing a weekly sci-fi story to the theme of Isaac Arthur’s SFIA videos. It’s a crazy challenging timeframe to create a good short story in, and to do so publicly is even more daunting. I’m just hoping some good stories come out of this, I have fun writing them, and most importantly, the audience enjoys!
Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday Apr 20, 2023
Schism | Sci-fi Short Audiobook
Thursday Apr 20, 2023
Thursday Apr 20, 2023
"When a society breaks its social contract with the people, what obligation do the people have then to that society, I wonder."
As always, thanks to Isaac Arthur and the SFIA team for another great topic!
Written toward: "Life on Giant Moons: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bo-iMYvTilQ
More on this project: https://www.rowelit.com/sci-fi-weeklies
If you prefer to read rather than listen or would like to read along, full text of this and all my Sci-Fi Weeklies are available though my Substack: https://perowe.substack.com
More on this story: https://www.rowelit.com/schism
Now on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/PERowe4
Support (greatly appreciated): https://www.rowelit.com/support
Sci-Fi Collections: https://www.rowelit.com/collections-sf-shorts
For the serious writers out there: Mechanics of Fiction Writing Series https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnRJzfG2BEMJusZSnaAG_Ew
About this project: I am writing a weekly sci-fi story to the theme of Isaac Arthur’s SFIA videos. It’s a crazy challenging timeframe to create a good short story in, and to do so publicly is even more daunting. I’m just hoping some good stories come out of this, I have fun writing them, and most importantly, the audience enjoys!
Thanks for stopping by!
(Neither this channel nor this video are affiliated with or endorsed by Isaac Arthur or SFIA, the author’s just a big fan)

Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Dark Swarm | Sci-fi Short Audiobook
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
"Not many humans who have ever lived can lay claim to saving a trillion lives."
Written toward the topic: "Superweapons"
Video: Coming Soon
As always, thanks to Isaac Arthur and the SFIA team for another great topic!
This story is the 2nd part of a two-part saga; check out part 1 first:
The Wizard of Athos: https://youtu.be/0kUDAYj6P-o
If you prefer to read rather than listen or would like to read along, full text of this and all my Sci-Fi Weeklies are available though my Substack: https://perowe.substack.com
Now on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/PERowe4
Support (greatly appreciated): https://www.rowelit.com/support
Sci-Fi Collections: https://www.rowelit.com/collections-sf-shorts
More on this story: https://www.rowelit.com/dark-swarm
More on this project: https://www.rowelit.com/sci-fi-weeklies
For the serious writers out there: Mechanics of Fiction Writing Series
About Rowe Writes: https://youtu.be/aDxWwMVkL6M
About this project: I am writing a weekly sci-fi story to the theme of Isaac Arthur’s SFIA videos. It’s a crazy challenging timeframe to create a good short story in, and to do so publicly is even more daunting. I’m just hoping some good stories come out of this, I have fun writing them, and most importantly, the audience enjoys!
Thanks for stopping by!
(Neither this channel nor this video are affiliated with or endorsed by Isaac Arthur or SFIA; the author’s just a big fan)

Thursday Apr 06, 2023
Wizard of Athos | Sci-fi Short Audiobook
Thursday Apr 06, 2023
Thursday Apr 06, 2023
“I’m not the monster you’ve pegged me for, Burch. I’m the monster you send after that monster.”
Written toward the topic: "Small Modular Reactors"
Video: Coming Soon
As always, thanks to Isaac Arthur and the SFIA team for another great topic!
Also, check out these related stories if you'd like to explore these characters and themes further:
The Misfits: https://youtu.be/mb5ShuIk0Ww
The First Man: https://youtu.be/7SLeU_Zxzbs
Garbage Rock: https://youtu.be/nnQDlyCE9vQ
If you prefer to read rather than listen or would like to read along, full text of this and all my Sci-Fi Weeklies are available though my Substack: https://perowe.substack.com
Now on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/PERowe4
Support (greatly appreciated): https://www.rowelit.com/support
Sci-Fi Collections: https://www.rowelit.com/collections-sf-shorts
More on this story: https://www.rowelit.com/wizard-of-athos
More on this project: https://www.rowelit.com/sci-fi-weeklies
For the serious writers out there: Mechanics of Fiction Writing Series
About Rowe Writes: https://youtu.be/aDxWwMVkL6M
About this project: I am writing a weekly sci-fi story to the theme of Isaac Arthur’s SFIA videos. It’s a crazy challenging timeframe to create a good short story in, and to do so publicly is even more daunting. I’m just hoping some good stories come out of this, I have fun writing them, and most importantly, the audience enjoys!
Thanks for stopping by!
(Neither this channel nor this video are affiliated with or endorsed by Isaac Arthur or SFIA; the author’s just a big fan)

Thursday Mar 30, 2023
Scion: Year of the Dragon | Sci-fi Short Audiobook
Thursday Mar 30, 2023
Thursday Mar 30, 2023
“Mountain doesn’t care how you feel about it, Key. You gotta stand on your skis either way.”
Written toward the topic: "Advanced Spaceship Drive Compendium"
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipQ1c6jTjIc
As always, thanks to Isaac Arthur and the SFIA team for another great topic!
Also, check out the related stories on "The Lifeboat" playlist if you'd like to explore these characters and themes further:
If you prefer to read rather than listen or would like to read along, full text of this and all my Sci-Fi Weeklies are available though my Substack: https://perowe.substack.com
Now on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/PERowe4
Support (greatly appreciated): https://www.rowelit.com/support
Sci-Fi Collections: https://www.rowelit.com/collections-sf-shorts
More on this story: https://www.rowelit.com/scion
More on this project: https://www.rowelit.com/sci-fi-weeklies
For the serious writers out there: Mechanics of Fiction Writing Series
About Rowe Writes: https://youtu.be/aDxWwMVkL6M
About this project: I am writing a weekly sci-fi story to the theme of Isaac Arthur’s SFIA videos. It’s a crazy challenging timeframe to create a good short story in, and to do so publicly is even more daunting. I’m just hoping some good stories come out of this, I have fun writing them, and most importantly, the audience enjoys!
Thanks for stopping by!
(Neither this channel nor this video are affiliated with or endorsed by Isaac Arthur or SFIA; the author’s just a big fan)

Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Mouse of Small Things | Sci-fi Short Audiobook
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
"I examined the concept of friendship among humans, and there was only one thing I couldn’t do for Mouse that a human could: as constituted, I could never care for him."
Written toward the topics: "Rogue Planets" & "Unusual Friendship"
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOu3zGfP-TQ
Check out Isaac Arthur's SFIA video: Life on Rogue Planets!
If you prefer to read rather than listen or would like to read along, full text of this and all my Sci-Fi Weeklies are available though my Substack: https://perowe.substack.com
Now on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/PERowe4
Support (greatly appreciated): https://www.rowelit.com/support
Sci-Fi Collections: https://www.rowelit.com/collections-sf-shorts
More on this story: https://www.rowelit.com/mouse
More on this project: https://www.rowelit.com/sci-fi-weeklies
For the serious writers out there: Mechanics of Fiction Writing Series
About Rowe Writes: https://youtu.be/aDxWwMVkL6M
About this project: I am writing a weekly sci-fi story to the theme of Isaac Arthur’s SFIA videos. It’s a crazy challenging timeframe to create a good short story in, and to do so publicly is even more daunting. I’m just hoping some good stories come out of this, I have fun writing them, and most importantly, the audience enjoys!
Thanks for stopping by!
(Neither this channel nor this video are affiliated with or endorsed by Isaac Arthur or SFIA; the author’s just a big fan)

P.E. Rowe's Podcast
P.E. Rowe is a fiction writer, narrative theorist, and educator who writes and reads weekly science fiction stories for sci-fi fans to enjoy. Each week, you'll find an original story here based on a topic from Isaac Arthur's popular non-fiction SFIA podcast.
More info at RoweLit.com